I'm back at long last! Whether I have any visitors left who knows - well apart from those pesky spammers of course. Yesterday when I looked there were 156 spam comments waiting to be deleted which is why, you'll understand, that I have now had to switch 'word verification' on. It's a real pain for the genuine people who leave comments but unavoidable I'm afraid. Anyway onto the post which has been a long time coming!!
I have a work colleague who has a birthday just after Christmas and I always make her a token birthday gift and this is what I've made for her this year. On the left of the main picture is a wallet style box which holds a small bar of chocolate (just what you need after Christmas!!), on the right is a desktop calendar and in the middle a gift bag to put them in. (Close-up pictures below). The photo on the right is a matching belated birthday card. I won't go into detail about what I've used apart from to say the colours are Crumb Cake and Chocolate Chip, flowers made with the Boho Blossoms punch and leaves are from the Bird Builder punch. The gift bag was made from some stiff paper which came inside a roll of wrapping paper instead of a cardboard tube and was perfect for the job. The sentiment on the bag is a retired SU stamp.
I hope to get back to much more regular blogging again so I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope to see you soon. x
Great to see you back Margaret and with such an elegant project too! It's a shame about the spammers - I have the same problem but turning 'publication after approval' on means you can just delete them in batches. Is that what you do? I'm about to find out! Vicky x